Trade Fairs and Events
Get to know the fairs and events where we have already been present. Book a meeting with us and find out how we can help you succeed!
Country, City
31-01 November
Global European Marketplace (GEM) 2024
United Kingdom, Londres
22-23 October
Visit Portugal Marketplace US & Canada 2024
Portugal, Algarve
04-04 October
Workshop Roadshow Portugal Trade Meeting
Brazil, Florianópolis
03-03 October
Workshop Roadshow Portugal Trade Meeting
Brazil, Curitiba
02-02 October
Workshop Roadshow Portugal Trade Meeting
Brazil, Vitória
30-01 October
Workshop Roadshow Portugal Trade Meeting
Argentina, Buenos Aires
29-31 May
Visit Portugal – Roadshow Portugal Trade Meeting
China, Pequim, Guangzhou, Macau
27-28 May
ITB China
China, Shanghai
14-15 May
Germany, Frankfurt
06-09 May
Arabian Travel Market
UAE, Dubai
22-26 April
Visit Portugal – Roadshow Portugal Trade Meeting
Brasil, Goiânia, Campinas, Ribeirão Preto, Santo André, São Paulo
15-17 April
WTM Latin America
Brasil, São Paulo
15-18 April
Spain Tourism European Summit
USA, California
11-12 April
ABAV Brasil
Brasil, Rio de Janeiro
25-27 March
Las Vegas Travel Agent Forum
USA, Nevada
13-14 March
Fine Wine Tourism Marketplace
Spain, Valladolid
05-07 March
ITB Berlin
Germany, Berlin
28-03 March
BTL – Bolsa de Turismo de Lisboa
Portugal, Lisbon
08-10 February
OTM – Outbound Travel Mart
India, Mumbai
26-28 January
Holiday World Show
Ireland, Dublin
24-28 January
FITUR – International Tourism Trade Fair
Spain, Madrid
11-14 January
Netherlands, Utrecht
28 fairs/events
06-08 November
WTM Londres
United Kingdom, London
26-28 October
ITS – International Travel Show
USA, New York
26-30 October
Visit Portugal – Reverse Workshop EUA e Canadá
Portugal, Porto
18-20 October
TIS – Tourism Innovation Summit
Spain, Sevilla
17-18 October
Portugal Digital Summit
Portugal, Matosinhos
11-13 October
TTG Travel Experience
Itália, Rimini
06-08 October
CLIA's Trade Fair Destination Showcase
Portugal, Porto
27-29 September
ABAV Brasil
Brasil, Rio de Janeiro
25-27 September
Global Travel Marketplace
United Kingdom, London
19-25 September
Visit Portugal – Roadshow Portugal Trade Meeting
Brasil, Salvador, Brasília, Belo Horizonte, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro
12-14 September
ITB China
China, Shanghai
27-29 June
QSP Summit
Portugal, Matosinhos
01-04 May
Arabian Travel Market
UAE, Dubai
26-28 April
ITB India
India, Mumbai
03-05 April
WTM Latin America
Brasil, São Paulo
31-03 April
Las Vegas Travel Agent Forum
USA, Nevada
07-09 March
ITB Berlin
Germany, Berlin
05-07 March
Arival – The InDestination Event
Germany, Berlin
01-04 March
BTL – Bolsa de Turismo de Lisboa
Portugal, Lisbon
01-02 March
Fine Wine Tourism Marketplace
Spain, Valladolid
14-15 February
IMTM – International Mediterranean Travel Market
13-14 February
Visit Portugal – Marketplace USA & Canada
Portugal, Porto
18-20 January
FITUR – International Tourism Trade Fair
Spain, Madrid
11-15 January
Netherlands, Utrecht
24 fairs/events
07-09 November
WTM London
United Kingdom, London
03-04 November
GEM – Global European Marketplace
United Kingdom, London
26-28 October
ITS – International Travel Show
USA, New York
29-29 September
Visit Portugal – Travel Trade Marketplace
Portugal, Porto
28-29 September
Global Travel Marketplace
United Kingdom, London
28-30 June
QSP Summit
Portugal, Matosinhos
05-07 April
WTM Latin America
Brasil, São Paulo
16-20 March
BTL – Bolsa de Turismo de Lisboa
Portugal, Lisbon
19-23 January
FITUR – International Tourism Trade Fair
Spain, Madrid
9 fairs/events
10-12 November
TIS – Tourism Innovation Summit
Spain, Sevilla
01-03 November
WTM London
United Kingdom, London
01-02 July
Netherlands, Utretcht
3 fairs/events
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